"Sup y'all ? We are proud to announce we got the A.D.A.N.T Foundation in the house. A.D.A.N.T stands for All Day And Night Terrorists, because most of the human beings fear the Truth ! The ADANT are a collective of Emcees & Femcees/Singers from Baltimore, Maryland. They released a DOPE and obscure album called Spiritual Revolution in the late 90's (only cd format), Conscious Boom Bap and Neo Soul Album. We only kept the Hip Hop tracks + Apocalypse (Neo Soul track). B.More Heat, can't go wrong with the Gods & Earths. Indeed we had to press this rare bomb on wax for the first time and repress a cd format at the right time, in order to spread the Message. For all my cds heads you probably saw a couple of these OG cds floating around recently, those were from a dead stock excavated by our Bro and apostle Thomas L Stephansen straight from the Source (check the album cover btw). Big UP T ! As you know, all of this was written. Thanks for being a part of the Master Plan. This release is a 9 tracks project. Prophetic album, please listen to the lyrics. DOPE Jazzy conscious Boom Bap. More than just "Music". Feel this one !
Can't forget Da Key Coyote (Emcee/Producer) from the ADANT Foundation who produced the whole album and accepted the collaboRAtion with Da Source, naturally, Peace God and thanks for the opport-UNITY, respect to the Wolf Team as well. Eye see Ya. This Mission is important.
Message spread at the right time, please once again my friends listen to the prophetic lyrics. This is not a joke, more Messages coming soon thru the Musical Vibe'RA'tion, this is until the end of the wicked (end soon) no weak heart shall prosper. Get prepared in your Heart & Soul my Brothers & Sisters. Self Guidance is a must, be good to everyone and by this I mean the end of ALL exploitations, see how Self is treated in this physical world ! Revolution is needed AND if you don't get your revelations thru the initial Spiritual Revolution, the end of the physical projection is near. This year is important "He who has ears, let him hear". Be blessed in those last days. " - Courtesy of Bee Lapointe (B2DS Records)
Release Date : Around mid/late August
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